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Mariusz Turowski

Hobbes Studies Revisited. The Strauss-Macpherson Debate / EBOOK

(The) book highlighting importance of the Strauss-Macpherson’s approach to Hobbes Studies (…) is a very successful attempt.

Affinities between Strauss and Macpherson are adequately covered and scrutinized in the text. As such, the reviewed work is very valuable.

(M. Ertan Kardeş)


This short monograph is very well researched, erudite in its knowledge, and lucid in its exposition. It provides a great service to those wishing to understand the influence and impact of Thomas Hobbes on the history of political thought, and contemporary liberalism and democracy. It provides an invaluable set of insights that are both challenging and complimentary to contemporary continental studies of Hobbes, and will be of great interest and service to any number of students and scholars of political philosophy, political science and the history of ideas. Turowski’s command of the subject matter and clear development of a fascinating and informative thesis make the text immensely readable and provocative.

(G.S. Bowe)

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