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Daniel Wojtucki (redakcja)

Former Places of Execution in Silesia. An interdisciplinary perspective

This book is not only an addition to our archaeological knowledge of the latest discoveries made at execution sites but is also a kind of summary of the legal archaeological work and research carried out in Poland.

One could venture to say that Silesia is the best recognised region in the whole country so far. Over the past few decades, many execution sites with relics of gallows and graves of criminals and suicides have been found and investigated here. Readers are presented with a book containing the results of non-invasive research, anthropological and archaeological analyses that go beyond the schematic and traditional treatment of the subject. The evocative and vivid reconstructions of the images of executed criminals demonstrate the power of modern techniques to bring out of non-existence human beings that centuries ago society tried to erase from their surroundings.

From the editorial review by Dr. Paweł Duma

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